
Covid-19 Status Update: working full time with PPE
Covid-19 Status: We are now back working full time and able to survey occupied properties. All our surveyors and operatives have full PPE for your and their safety. Call us for a virtual appointment or book a survey now.

Covid-19 Status: working remotely
Prestige Preservation are continuing to work remotely and are only carrying out surveys on unoccupied properties. We are following guidelines from the UK Government and the Chartered Association of Building Engineers.

Apprentice Eliza stays on for another year!
Eliza has been with Prestige Preservation for just over a year as a Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprentice. Eliza has just completed her first year and is staying on another year to do Level 4 Digital Marketing.

New opperatives join our team!
Two new operatives Andrew and Nikolaos join our growing team of operatives. Over the past few months we have employed two new operatives Andrew and Nikolaos, who have both fitted in the company really well...

Ian Loftus (or Lofty as he is affectionately known) joins the professional staff at Prestige Preservation in the West Midlands. He will become part of the team comprising of 4 Operatives, 2...